Our gaming reward token is given in USDC.

Users can earn USDC by exchanging Gem/Ruby to USDC through Intella X exchange. The exchange rate between Gem/Ruby and USDC is affected by in-game indicators, users' play patterns and user's Massive Rewards tier. Different formulas are applied to USDC to Gem/Ruby exchange rate and Gem/Ruby to USDC exchange rate. Number of exchanges, minimum amount of exchange(in USDC) and maximum amount of exchange a user can make is also decided by users' Massive Rewards tier.


Play and Earn games generally pay out their rewards in self-coined tokens.

Our initial plans were the same. While designing the game economy, we came down to one fundamental question: How do we assure users that rewards we give out have a value? Our initial answer was blockchain technology. Giving rewards in blockchain tokens means the ownership data for tokens are stored in a decentralized manner.

However, the storing method being decentralized is different from its value being decentralized. If we print out our tokens from thin air and give that token as a reward, it would be the storing method that is decentralized, not the value. If the supply and the demand of the token as well as allocation of the token is controlled by a single entity, the token value is endowed solely by that entity. We wanted to separate reward's value from our actions and make a Play and Earn game that is truly decentralized.

USDC and Sustainable Economy

Because we cannot print out reward tokens(USDC) from thin air, Massive Gaming must constantly replenish USDC balance of the wallet connected to the PnE Reward Contract. Obviously, replenishment is done with money earned from users' In-App Purchases.

Thus, for the USDC economy to be sustainable, it is inevitable to control the amount of USDC users earn. The total amount of USDC users earn should not surpass the amount of USDC users paid to the reward contract and users' In-App Purchase. Massive Gaming seeks sustainability by changing Gem/Ruby earning ratio and Gem/Ruby to USDC exchange rate.

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